The needs of our pupils are monitored by a team of people:-
- Miss Mott – Head Teacher
- Miss O’Hare – SENDCO and ARC Learning Support Base Teacher
- Mr Jackson – Deputy Head, Behaviour Lead & Mental Health Lead
- Mrs Corlett – SEND Parent Governor
- Mrs Ackerley – Pastoral Manager/Business Manager
- Miss Bashford – Mental Health Support Worker
SEND is an abbreviated term for Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities. A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made or them.
The SEN Code of Practice (2015) states that all children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they:- Achieve their best
- Become confident individuals living fulfilling lives
- Make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training.
At Grangetown Primary, we are committed to providing all children with quality first teaching, appropriate to their individual needs. We aim to maximise opportunities for our learners with SEN(D) to achieve their full potential through supporting children’s holistic development and removing barriers to achievement. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school.
We also offer an ARC (Additional Resource Centre) for KS2 pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils who gain a placement in the ARC support base provision are determined by Redcar and Cleveland Local Authority. Children are admitted to the base through panel which is held on a three-week basis. Criteria for access to a resource base has now changed and this provision is now only for pupils with an EHCP.
The ARC is a small class of 15 pupils with a high staffing ratio of 1:5 to cater for cognition and learning needs, amongst a wide variety of other special educational needs and/or disabilities. A range of specialist and personalised interventions and teaching and learning programmes are incorporated to meet the diverse range of pupils needs through small group work and 1:1 opportunities (e.g. speech and language, occupational therapy). The children receive inclusion into their mainstream year group on an afternoon with additional support.
Grangetown Primary – Additionally Resourced Provision | Redcar & Cleveland: Information Directory
The Nest
At Grangetown Primary School, we promote an inclusive, supportive environment in which all pupils are valued and respected. We have an ethos of high challenge, high support tailored to each individual child where required. We recognise that all children need a solid foundation of positive mental health and to promote this further, we offer The Nest as a safe space in school for children who may need additional support to maintain or develop their mental health.
The Nest is led by Miss Bashford, who is trained in various areas of children’s mental health (ELSA, Thrive, bereavement) and is there to support our children at any point during the day. She and her team skillfully ensure pupils have a space which they feel comfortable, especially when their ‘buckets’ are filling up or full! Meeting the SEMH health needs of our pupils is of upmost importance to us at Grangetown Primary School and as a consequence we have a bespoke PSHE curriculum tailored to supporting this.

Local offer
Every local authority must identify education, health and social care services in their local area provided for children, young people and families who have SEN or disabilities and include them in an information directory called the Local Offer.
Redcar & Cleveland Local Offer
Contact information
If you would like to arrange an appointment to discuss your child, please don’t hesitate to arrange an appointment with the school SENDCO, Miss O’Hare.
Tel. 01642 455278
Please click the links below for further information: