In Early Years at Grangetown Primary School, we consider the individual needs of each and every one of our children. We strive to provide an exciting, stimulating and challenging learning environment for all. Our aim is to provide an environment which encourages curiosity, communication, collaboration, creativity and challenge. We want all of our children to be critical thinkers, resilient doers and investigators.
We believe that laughter, awe, wonder and fun are key principles in providing quality experiences and a motivation to learning that lasts a lifetime. Throughout our Early Years, play is an essential tool that brings the imaginary world of a child in line with real life. For this reason, play experiences and ‘The Curiosity Approach’ form the basis of our children’s learning and curriculum. We encourage the children to become ‘pilots in their own play’ (Curiosity Approach) by providing open-ended, natural resources within an enabling environment which acts as the third teacher.
At Grangetown Primary we believe the core principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage are to develop the unique child, provide care and support in a safe environment and ensure that every child’s full potential is reached. We also believe that young children learn best through first-hand experiences in contexts that are meaningful and familiar to them.
We strive to develop positive relationships to ensure that our children feel secure. We aim to provide a rich and varied learning environment that allows all children to discover the world around them and provides opportunities for challenge whilst remaining safe. We believe that children require opportunities to develop independence and self-confidence in an environment where they feel valued, respected and cared for. A high-quality Early Years education lays the foundations for children, with a focus on developing the whole child and to ensure ‘school readiness’. The EYFS Curriculum at Grangetown Primary provides children with a broad range of learning opportunities with the aim to embed firm foundations in the knowledge and skills needed for good future progress.
We aim to develop children’s cultural capital so that they are able to engage with society and understand the importance of being a good UK and global citizen. A key priority of the EYFS team is to maintain a determined approach to ensure that children learn to read fluently at an age-appropriate level.
We provide a well-designed EYFS Curriculum that aims to:
- Ensure the three Prime Areas: Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development are a key focus for all children.
- Ensure a balance of child-initiated, adult initiated, adult-led learning opportunities.
- Ensure all seven areas of learning and development are offered to support children in working towards achieving the ELGs.
- Provide meaningful learning experiences, developing each child’s Characteristics of Effective Learning. Playing and Exploring, Active Learning and Creating and Thinking Critically.
- Develop effective partnerships with Parents/Carers.
- Provide an environment and Continuous Provision that is set out to enhance and meet the need/interests of the children.
- Provide high quality interactions with adults that demonstrate and impact on the progress of all children.
- Ensure children develop a love for reading.
- Ensure a determined approach to ensure all pupils have secure phonic knowledge and are able to segment and blend CVC words. Using Read Write Inc.
- Provide a Maths curriculum that is taught through daily using the White Rose Scheme.
- Carefully assess, through observations, which are recorded in individual learning journey books and floor books.
From their different starting points, all children will make good progress academically, emotionally, creatively, socially and physically. Knowledge, understanding and skills will be secured and embedded so that are fully prepared for Phase Two.

Take a look at us in action!