Welcome to our Grangetown Anti-Bullying Ambassador’s News Page. Here we will post all the amazing things that have been happening around school in our fight against bullying.
What we have been up to…
Anti Bullying Week 2024
11th November marked the start of Anti-Bullying week. Our amazing GABA Ambassadors delivered an assembly to introduce Anti-Bullying week, inform the school about the different types of bullying and what they will do to prevent this. We also took part in Odd Socks Day, wearing our odd socks to celebrate differences and show that our differences are accepted. Classes have also taken part in anti-bullying activities during the week such as PSHE discussions, creating posters and watching live lessons to understand the impact bullying may have.
We took part in The Big Assembly where we explore issued being raised around bullying in schools. We then created some wonderful posters to raise further awareness about what bullying is and how to help those in need. Here are some of our amazing designs…

Acts of Kindness

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