We are committed to creating an environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of productive learning. Everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. Our behaviour policy guides staff to teach self-discipline not blind compliance. It echoes our core values (Ready, Respectful & Safe) with a heavy emphasis on respectful behaviour, a partnership approach to managing poor conduct and dynamic interventions that support staff and learners.
We have 3 simple rules for the children:

This is a consistent approach across the whole of school. Everything we do is based on relationships and empathy. Our behaviour strategies are based around restorative practices and ‘talking through’ issues.
We reward our children as much as we can through many different means. We have Stars of the Day, Star of the Week (who receive a prize from our prize trolley), dojo winner (who receives hot chocolate on a Friday), recognition boards, golden tickets (we have a raffle at the end of term), positive notes home and star diners. We relentlessly praise our children and positive reinforcement is always our initial tool to promote excellent behaviour in the classroom.