British Values

 At Grangetown Primary we believe British Values will help our children be ready for life in modern day Britain.

Our core values of Ready, Respectful & Safe are underpinned by the British Values.






Pupil voice is a very important part of our school life. Members of the RRSA Steering Group were voted for by class members and our school council members have been elected by their class peers. All pupils have a great amount of input in how our school runs on a daily basis as well as decision made in other areas, for example, playground equipment (OPAL), books they would like to see in the school library. Throughout the school year, staff and pupil questionnaires are completed, reviewed and acted upon. Skills which are developed in this area will be vital skills which pupils can use in the future.

Rule of Law

Pupils in our school will have rules to follow within the classroom and playground, ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe’, throughout their years in primary school. They will then experience rules and laws they will have to follow growing up in the wider world. We will help give the children the understanding and guidance of following rules and laws whilst in primary school. This will be done through daily encounters with situations that arise, assemblies, PSHE lessons and through our curriculum. Pupils will experience visits from the police, members of the fire brigade alongside many more outside agencies which will help to deliver the importance of the rule of law to our children.

Individual Liberty

We pride ourselves on the positive, diverse, safe and welcoming environment our school promotes. This allows pupils to feel safe, be ready to learn and to be able to freely express themselves. There is a wide range of after school clubs that children can attend, lunchtime reading clubs and many other activities within the school day that allows the children to have a choice based on what they enjoy doing and their interests. Valuing pupil’s choice in the school environment will help them to develop, nurture and value individual liberty later on in life.

Mutual Respect

Mutual respect is at the heart of our school environment. Each day, pupils learn to treat all members of the school, including visitors, with the upmost respect. This is always clearly seen in all areas of our school which we are very proud of. Respect for all is the running thread throughout our curriculum and what we deliver in our lessons.

Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

Our curriculum is culturally and diverse rich in all areas. As pupils move through school, tolerance and knowledge is gained from how we deliver and present lessons and discussions. These skills of knowledge and understanding will help pupils strive to make the community around them a better place.

We currently follow the Picture News Scheme that provides weekly resources that are designed to expose children to current affairs, discover their interests and bring the world closer to their everyday lives.

How we use Picture News

Picture News can be used to inspire and engage in real-life learning that they can impact and influence! Every Friday, each class across school looks at the weekly Picture News which is sent to us. Each week, a current news story is discussed, a large poster is shown and a thought-provoking question is asked. Alongside this, a variety of teaching resources are included to deepen understanding to ensure the subject is delivered well. As a whole class, we discuss this question and the children give their answers and ideas and we look in depth as to why they think that. The children then write their answers onto an answer slip which is then displayed on our British Values board in the front entrance of school.

For more information click the image below.


23 October

Halloween Disco


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