Since September 2022, our school has worked together with 12 other primary schools in the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System (NENC ICS) Child Health and Wellbeing Network to develop, embed and pilot the Beat Asthma Friendly Schools (BAFS) Accreditation scheme.
Following this work we are now a BAFS Accredited School and have in place a series of systems and processes to improve outcomes for children with asthma or suspected asthma.
The Beat Asthma Friendly Schools award was initiated to encourage schools to develop safe, healthy and inclusive environments for students with asthma. The BAFS Accreditation scheme aims to support the whole school community in understanding and managing asthma and is specifically for schools and education settings in the North East and North Cumbria ICS footprint.
To be recognised as a Beat Asthma Friendly School, each school must address a set of criteria that establishes an Asthma Friendly environment and meets current legislation from the Department of Health and Department for Education guidelines. We have worked closely with the Child Health and Wellbeing Network’s Community Asthma Advisors over the last 6 months to be able to demonstrate that we meet all of these requirements.
For more information about the BAFS Accreditation Framework, please visit the Healthier Together Website BAFS page
We have two wonderful asthma ambassadors who work with our Eco-Warriors on raising awareness of asthma in school.

School Asthma Champion: Miss O’Hare
Asthma Register
If your child has a diagnosis of asthma, we request the following paperwork.
We request all children are provided with a spacer. If your child does not have a spacer or has not had an asthma review within 12 months, please contact your GP practice. Additionally, if you have an Asthma Action Plan from your GP which school have not yet received a copy of, please can you hand this into the school office for us to photocopy.
We have an emergency relief inhaler that can be used for any child within school who has a diagnosis of asthma or has been prescribed with a reliver inhaler. You are able to opt out of this in the asthma paperwork if you wish.
Asthma Training
Our staff in school have recently completed online training to upskill our asthma knowledge. If you would like to access the free training (certificate provided at the end of the course – takes approx. 30 mins) please click on this link – Supporting Children’s Health and Young People with Asthma (
If you are interested in being a parent/carer Asthma Champion for our school, please contact Miss O’Hare!